Tuesday 6 June 2023

Summer? Or not? Childcare. Ecological travel? Or not?

We might have come to the end of our “summer”. It’s still been fine and dry today but the sun has been having difficulty breaking through the clouds. This did not put any damper on our activities through. And we’ll see what the rest of the week brings. 

Granddaughter Number Four was parked on us at an unconscionably early hour this morning. Her school has two weeks half term holiday while her mother’s had only one. Yesterday she stayed at home with Daddy but today he was working in the office. So when her small brother had been dropped off at nursery she came to me.she was quite looking forward to being able to do art and crafty things without a small brother “helping” her. 

So we have done glitter-glue pictures without anyone squeezing all the glitter glue out at once. We’ve also played matching card games with picture cards spread all over the floor without anyone throwing picture cards all over the living room. We even went for a long walk to the local garden centre without anyone having to stop and scientifically examine every other stone along the way! 

Don’t get me wrong. She loves having her small brother around but she has expressed some jealousy at his having a day every week when he gets grandparental attention all to himself. Indeed, she has said she might come along again on Thursday when he comes. “I’ll play with him,” she told me, “and you can have a relaxing day.” We’ll see if that happens!

The sunshine, by the way, is forecast to return and there seems to be little chance of rain. Pretty soon we’ll be having hosepipe bans! My Italian friend finds it all very amusing, that we cannot cope with extremes of weather in this country, be it snow, rain, prolonged dry weather or long hot spells. The fact remains that we are having some odd weather at the moment. Some parts of England have been hotter than Madrid recently. My sister (the Spanish sister who lives in Andalucía) reports a friend turning up to stay at her house equipped with bikinis and sundresses it was too cold to wear. So it goes. 

Granddaughter Number Two will be quite glad if the sun stays away for a while. She doesn’t cope well with hot weather and revels in cold weather when she can wrap up,in chunky sweaters or, even better, curl up wrapped in her duvet to read a book. She might like a dip,in the ppol but sunbathing at the poolside is not for her.

According to this article, she is not alone. We associate SAD (seasonal affected disorder) to be brought about by the grey days of winter but it seems that for some people the bright hot days of summer can also provoke attacks of depression. Who knew? 

Concerns about the odd weather being a consequence of global warming and climate change does not appear to affect our Prime Minister’s preference for travelling by helicopter or small plane to whizz around the country for his various commitments. I suppose he might almost be excused given the unreliability of trains at the moment but I suspect he could still have avoided expensive air travel. Mind you, when you have friends with grounds big enough for a helicopter to land in, as was the case for one of his journeys recently when he landed at a friend’s place, in Altrincham I think it was, then maybe it’s tempting to avail yourself of their facilities. But maybe he should pay for his own helicopter trips!


Or maybe it’s an image thing. After all, American presidents whizz about in Airforce One ( I’ve seen The West Wing) so maybe British PMs should do something similar. 

Life goes on. Stay safe and well, everyone!

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