Sunday 23 October 2022

Crazy times. Crazy advice. Crazy Americans.

Running in the rain this morning! As I predicted my gloating about the fine mornings we’ve been having put a hex on the weather. I almost turned over and went back to sleep as I heard the rain falling but we needed porridge. So I got up and ran in the rain, stopping off at the co-op to buy porridge en route. Since then the rain has eased a little. We’ll have to wait and see if we get out for a longer walk later.

We’re also waiting to see whether Boris Johnson plans to stand as a candidate for prime minister. Opinion is divided on the advisability of this. It’s all getting a little boring. No doubt history will look back on this modern period in amazement!

 Here’s a little comment from NewsThump:

“People made quite a lot of the fact that during her reign the Queen appointed 15 prime ministers. At this rate, Charles will beat her record by Christmas.”

Hey! Ho!

On the radio they are talking about slugs and snails and other such creepy crawlies. The message seems to be to accept and embrace the slugs because they are good for the garden. I’m not convinced, especially when they eat the few remaining flowers in my garden.

I tend to take beauty tips and fashion articles with a pinch of salt. Like the fancy recipes in some cookery items, they tend to involve expensive “ingredients”. Some of them are just plain silly, like the one saw which advised rinsing your hair with CocaCola, the “full fat” variety, not the zero-sugar kind. You rinse your hair in Coke and then leave it in! Odd! It’s supposed to be good for thin hair, giving it “body”. This is what the writer of the article had to say:-

“I washed my hair with my usual shampoo, then rinsed it in regular Coke. Leaving the cola in my hair, I then blasted it with a hairdryer to see the final results. It felt drier and stiffer than usual, and a little thicker – the sort of texture you’d get using a salt spray. That could be because the sugar in cola coats your hair, creating more density and making it feel thicker. But it did feel a little sticky and I think people with curly or coiled hair could find it makes it knottier. I have other reservations, too. First, full-fat Coke is a precious hangover commodity and shouldn’t be squandered on hair washing. Second, my friend’s usually aloof sausage dog kept trying to eat my hair.”

I’m not surprised at the stickiness but it’s almost certainly cheaper than designated hair “products”.  I can’t say this for certain as I have not bought CocaCola for a long time. Of course the idea of adding sugary stuff to your hair is not completely new; I’m pretty sure sugar-water was recommended long ago as a way of setting waves in straight hair. Nothing new under the sun!  

The Coming Storm is a programme on the radio about American politics and in particular the QAnon phenomenon. In today’s episode I heard Tracey “Beanz” Diaz, a blogger and “early promoter” of QAnon (says Wikipedia), say something along the lines of “I have all my guns to protect my family”.  Crazy Americans with their guns. And I thought of a story I came across of a father and son in Polk County Florida accused of attempted murder. Here’s a summary.

A parcel was mistakenly delivered to their door. They thought the doorbell ringing meant a burglar was trying break in. They went to investigate. A neighbour they rarely spoke to was sitting in her car. They decided she was the “burglar”. The approached with their guns and told her to get out of the car. She thought her car was about to be stolen - a carjacking - and started her engine and reversed … into a car behind her. Father and son decided she was fleeing the scene of her “crime” and opened fire. Fortunately she wasn’t hurt. A fortunately unoccupied baby seat was shot through. She fled and reported the incident to the local sheriff. 

Oh boy! It makes our chaos seem quite sensible!

Life goes on. Stay safe and well, everyone! 

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