Tuesday 17 September 2024

Sunshine. Shopping. Accepting gifts. Seasonal (?) thoughts.

Summer seems to be back! Or maybe it’s just arrived. Whatever the truth of the matter, today is bright and sunny and warm. Not only that, but it is forecast to continue this way until the weekend. Maybe the blackberries will ripen after all and I will be able to collect enough to make a pie after all. However, I am not holding my breath. 

Today I went to the library in Uppermill and walked in the sunshine to Tesco in nearby Greenfield. Coming out of the supermarket I had calculated I was just in time for a bus home. Indeed, as I crossed the road, there it was, held up by traffic lights for roadworks. Unfortunately, because of the roadworks my bus stop was closed and the bus went sailing past. So I had to accept the inevitable and walk up the hill to the next stop where I sat in the sunshine for 15 to 20 minutes until the next bus came along. At least I got some vitamin D!

I see that our prime minister has been cosying up to Italy’s Giorgia Meloni and chatting about possible solutions to the immigrant/ asylum seeker / refugee problem - she plans to “process asylum seekers” in Albania. Might the UK follow suit? We shall see.

In the meantime, here is a cartoon I found about immigrants:

John Crace was commenting / joking about Keir Starmer shopping in Milan. And today come stories of our leader accepting all sorts of freebies, including clothes for his wife, not all of which may have been properly declared! Oops! 

Christmas, as I have commented recently is still quite s long way off. 100 days I think I saw stated somewhere! The countdown has begun! Here’s a link to an article about Advent Calendars for adults. Who even knew that such a thing existed? I’m still at the point where I think Advent calendars should simply have Advent-related pictures and not contain chocolate treats, let alone expensive cosmetics, miniature bottles of whiskey or even jewellery! 

Thinking of celebrations of one kind or another, here is a picture of a dragon dance at Stonehenge to mark the Chinese mid-autumn festival. A nice mix of cultures! 

Life goes on. Stay safe and well, everyone!

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