Tuesday 3 September 2024

Governmental fence-sitting of sorts regarding arms sale. Being too cheerful. Student stuff.

 You can’t please all of the people all the time. 

The government has decided to suspend 30 arms export licences to Israel - that’s 30 out of more than 300, not exactly a huge suspension. Consequently Boris Johnson accuses Labour of abandoning Israel and wanting Hamas to win! The Board of Deputies of British Jews said the decision sent the wrong message at the wrong time - when is the right time? And presumably the right message is to continue all arms sales. And critics from the left say it leaves a loophole that would allow the UK to continue to supply parts to the F-35 fighter jet programme.

Or maybe you can’t please any of the people any of the time.

Angela Rayner gets criticised for having fun in Ibiza and Kamala Harris is sometimes described as being too exuberant. Maybe we need a little exuberance. Smiling is good for a body. Working in a sixth form college, I was once asked by a student, “Why are you always so b****y cheerful!” Because being cheerful makes it easier to get on with things. 

On the subject of students, here’s a link to an article about all the stuff a student needs - yes, absolutely needs - when they go off to university. An air frier is one of the essential items. I suppose it’s good that students are aware of the need to eat healthily.

It doesn’t seem to mention books! Now, I seem to remember receiving a long list of books I needed to buy and some of which I think I was supposed to read before term started. Nowadays I suppose someone going to study modern foreign languages wouldn’t need a huge dictionary as it’s all available online. Mind you, the joy of an actual dictionary is finding new and interesting words while searching for one specific expression. 

Our very own university student, Granddaughter Number Two, needs to reclaim a vast collection of bedding, extra pillows and cushions, warm cuddly blankets for curling up in to read on cold winter evenings, cooking pots and goodness only know what else from our attic bedroom. When she moved home for the summer she had to vacate her second year student lodging but her third year student lodging was not yet available. So all that stuff came home with her … well, not exactly home! Her bedroom at home was deemed too small to take it all. The garage was full of all sorts of stored stuff, but not a car. And so it has spent the summer piled up in a corner of our admittedly quite large attic bedroom. So it goes!

Life goes on. Stay safe and well, everyone!

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