Sunday 1 September 2024

In praise of libraries. Autumn. And parking on pavements.

Writer Lee Child (author of the Jack Reacher series) talking on This Cultural Life (BBC Radio) describes going to the library as a child. Books were something his parents respected. Reading was encouraged. Although money was sometimes tight they were not poor, he said; in fact they had middle class aspirations. They bought almost no new books though, and acquired some from jumble sales, but they all went to the library. 

His local library only allowed him two books per person a week so they ensured they ALL had library membership, even the dog! My childhood library allowed us four books per person. I remember on one occasion reading my chosen four very quickly and going back to the library two or three days later… only to be told by the librarian that it was impossible for me to have read them already and refused to let me take put any more! 

The librarian at Uppermill library is always very friendly and helpful when the smallest grandchildren go there. Far from being an austere and overly quiet place, the children’s section is bright and cheerful with comfortable seats where accompanying adults can read to children. Nobody minds if children sit on the floor with a collection of books around them. There are crayons and colouring sheets and toys available too. They hand out stickers to encourage young readers and in the school summer holidays they organise a “reading challenge” so that children receive a certificate and possibly a free book, but I may have made that bit up, if they read a certain number of books over the holiday weeks. 

That’s how libraries should be. 

They also have computers available in the adult section of the library. Our Delph branch is small and run by volunteers. Without volunteers it would have to close, which would be a shame. The central Oldham library shares its building with the small art gallery. Consequently it also has an art gallery shop of sorts on the ground floor, selling locally made jewellery and such like. 

Libraries have changed since I was a child.

According to the weather man it is now the start of “chronological autumn”. I’m seeing more signs of it in the local trees. 

But if it’s autumn, Mrs Duck needs to get her teenage ducklings grown up asap?

Now, we often moan about poor state of pavements here and complain about people who park half on the road and half on the pavement, blocking the way for walkers but … it’s not a problem unique to us. Here’s a link to an article about the same problem in Athens. 

Life goes on. Stay safe and well, everyone!

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