Wednesday 16 June 2021

Another Wednesday!

Wednesday -  my alarm rings at 7.15 or maybe 7.20. I am expecting the arrival of two small grandchildren. They don’t have a nursery place on a Wednesday morning while Mummy works. My daughter’s partner usually manages to work from home with them kicking around, with a bit of moral support from his 18 year old stepdaughter. Today she has training for a new temporary job in Manchester and he is  accompanying her to Manchester so she doesn’t get lost on day one. 

So the small people came to spend the morning with me. It’s fun hanging out washing while a very small boy runs off down the garden waving your just-washed knickers in the air! But we managed to get stuff done. Some serious playing went on in the garden before we set off to walk to Uppermill. 

We got there in time to catch the end of the market -  the fishman wasn’t there because his new van is being fixed with proper refrigeration. The fruit and veg man had almost sold up by the look of thingsds. But the biscuit lady was still open, so we replenished my supply of gluten-free biscuits. The delicatessen was open too - for sundried tomatoes, and cheese, and olives! 

And of course there was the bakers. Sometimes by lunchtime, which was more or less when we got there, they have more or less sold out of nice bread but today all was well. We also bought supplies of sausage rolls and cheese and onion pies to have a picnic in the park, once Mummy arrived to share it with us.

The sun shone. At one point it grew very oppressive, as if thunder was on it’s way but all was well.And a good time was had by all.

Life goes on. Stay safe and well, everyone!

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