Monday 14 October 2024

Monday trivia.

 Today has been a perfectly beautiful day so far: blue sky and sunshine, although a little on the chilly side to begin with. There were some fine reflections on the millpond when I ran round the village this morning. 

All through the summer, well, the months that we called summer, Phil and I went on occasional forays up Lark Hill to see if we could spot a host of butterflies on the buddleia bush, where we saw a load of very exotic ones a couple of years ago. All to no avail. I have read since that there has been a shortage of butterflies generally this year. So it’s not a local problem.

Early this afternoon, however, Phil set off to the crossroads to catch a bus into town. A couple of minutes after setting off he phoned me. Uh, oh! i thought, he’s forgotten some important document! But no, he was calling to tell me that on a bush just before the crossroads there was an enormous butterfly, probably a red admiral, and masses of bees. Maybe I would care to take a look and maybe take a photo. 

Well, I was a bit sceptical about the butterfly staying there but I needed to go and post a birthday card to a niece, and so I got organised and set off. Amazingly the butterfly was still there. Or maybe one of its friends had come to take its place. It must have been basking in the October sunshine. Here it is.

Granddaughter Number One has a problem which prevents her from using her washing machine at the moment. This has been going on for a few weeks. When it all started she threatened to bring her washing to my house. This did not happen until yesterday. In between times, it transpires, she has been taking washing to her housemate’s mother’s house, but only the stuff which she felt could be safely put in the tumble-drier without shrinking. So yesterday she turned up with two large bags, which has now been washed. My washing line is full and there is stuff draped around the house. Quite what she and her friend have left in the way of clothes intrigues me. They will come and collect it, dry or still damp, tomorrow.

Yesterday must have been the day for bringing items for me to deal with. There was stuff to be printed - Phil’s job - and a skirt for stitching as well as a small soft toy which had been used in some activity in her classroom, an activity involving throwing the toy from person to person, in the process of which one of its seams had begun to unravel. 

I am the go-to person for stitching and darning! 

If only the more serious problems of the world could be solved so easily. 

Life goes on. Stay safe and well, everyone!

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