Sunday 13 October 2024

Celestial non-events around here. Stars on my floor. Living to be 100.

Well, I’ve still not seen any Northern Lights. And apparently there is a comet around that hasn’t been in our bit of space since neanderthal times but I don’t expect we’ll see that either. 

But my kitchen floor is strewn with tiny golden stars. The smaller grandchildren were doing craft stuff yesterday, specifically making snow globes with whatever glittery stuff they could find in my craft box. In the end they were more glitter globes than snow globes but the small people were happy with them. As ever when children and glitter get together, there were spillages. To do them justice, after the initial sprinkling of small golden stars on my kitchen floor they were very careful to spill as little as possible. Tiny gold stars are, however, remarkably difficult to sweep up! 

I was reading about living to be 100, something which they seem to think is more possible now than it used to be. In fact, they reckon that the person who might live to be 150 has probably already been born. Anyway,  it seems that where you live may make a difference. Sardinia, Okinawa and Ikaria, in Greece, are places with high longevity. However, Saul Newman from University College London, suggests that much data on human centenarians is bogus.

“I tracked down 80% of the people in the world who were older than 110,” says this Saul Newman, who has been investigating and found almost none of them had a birth certificate. “It’s a statistical garbage pile.”

It seems that in 2010,  a Japanese government review discovered 230,000 of the country’s centenarians were missing – presumably dead. And Saul Newman says data suggests that some 72% of Greek centenarians are dead or missing, but their relatives haven’t declared as much, possibly to keep collecting their pensions. Strange goings on!

In the UK the London borough of Tower Hamlets is an odd mixture with the highest proportion of 105 year-olds but a lower-than-average life expectancy overall!  

Then there’s a tech entrepreneur called Bryan Johnson who is working on extending his life-expectancy by taking 111 pills a day, eating his last (vegan) meal of the day at 11am, staying teetotal, doing an hour of exercise daily and going to bed at 8.30pm. Odd! There seems to be little point in living forever if you don’t actually get much enjoyment out of life. Maybe he does. Maybe I’m being too judgemental! 

The experts say it’s probably all down to genetics.

And, as I see it, if certain parties keep pushing us closer to a world war, and if we keep on destroying the planet, we should just stop worrying about it and enjoy the life we live. 

Life goes on. Stay safe and well, everyone!

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