Monday 22 July 2024

A slow start to school summer holidays. Photographers finding beauty in chaos.

 Summer continues along its haphazard path here. When the cloud cover thins the temperature rises; when the cloud moves back in it’s quite chilly. It’s very hard to decide what is the best way to dress - layers I think! 

So when I took the small boy (who arrived at 8.00 this morning  as primary school Mummy has INSET (which was really not so much training as a chance to prepare the teaching rooms for next year) today and tomorrow and everyone else in the immediate family is working, we took waterproofs in my small rucksack. We’ll do a re-run tomorrow. 

His older sister’s school does not finish until Thursday, which seems really late. And then summer can begin properly for them! However, the school has sent out mixed messages. Some parents think school closes on Wednesday, others think Thursday. No doubt some children will be absent on Thursday as family set off on pre-booked holidays. Oh dear! 

In the wider world, Joe Biden has bowed to the pressure to stand down as the Diplomatic Party’s presidential candidate. Some praise is going to Kamala Harris as a possible replacement. We shall see. And Israel is still causing havoc in the middle east. Other places still have  starving people but they are not getting so mush publicity. 

Back in April 2019 we watched the cathedral of Note Dame in Paris burning. Even those of us with no particular religious connection to it were shocked. President Macron promised that it would be put back to rights by the end of 2024 and a date is now set for December of this year. Here’s a link to an article about the people who have been fixing it. How fortunate to be able to find people with those skills. It’s probably good that it’s happening in December rather than getting lost in the Olympic Games stuff. 

I’m amazed at the beauty photographers can manage to create out of moments of chaos, like this photo of the interior of the cathedral on the morning after the fire. 

Life goes on. Stay safe and well, everyone!

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