Wednesday 3 July 2024

A quietly busy, stay at home day. Some people’s failure to spot racism!


They are having wildfires in northern California. We’ve just put the heating on in northwestern England. Much as I complain about the weather, I’d rather not have wildfires. We have had them around here before now, but nothing like as bad as what they get in California. However, I don’t think I have known an early July quite so cold as this one.

I cycled to the market this morning as is usual for Wednesday. The rain stayed away until later in the day. I’ve not been out since it started.My Fitbit is reprimanding me for failing to meet my stepcount. The weathermen promise us that it will be mostly dry throughout the UK for polling day tomorrow. I wonder if that will make a difference to the turn out. We shall see.

As regards the election, Reform UK candidates seem to be only just realising that their party is racist! Quelle surprise! Another candidate has withdrawn, accusing the party of ‘racism and misogyny’.  One wonders how Georgie David, who their candidate for WestHam and Beckton failed to see it earlier. She’s now backing the Tories, but she assures us that the leaders of Reform UK are nice people and not at all racist! Hmmm!

Yesterday evening we watched the Tour de France riders cross the Alps, getting up to snow line. Big mounds of mucky-looking snow were to be seen in some places. They had a long climb and then a terrifyingly steep and long descent, going round twists and turns and hair-pin bends. I used to wear out break pads on a bike I had in my twenties, riding down a long but not too steep slope from work to home.

I’m resisting the temptation to cheat and find out what has happened today. I’ll watch the highlights later. 

I have spent a good part of the day making cushion covers for our dining chairs, a project I have had in mind for a while. The delaying factor has been getting my sewing machine down from the cupboard in the attic where it spends most of the year. It’s a very old machine now and despite having been sold as portable, with a carrying handle on the case (now broken),  it weighs a ton. If I were still using it more regularly I would consider replacing it with a new and more modern one, with fancy gadgets my old machine does not have. But really it’s not worth it as I now use it so rarely, 

However, the dining area now looks quite smart with bright new cushions. 

And that’s where my Wednesday has gone.

Life goes on. Stay safe and well, everyone! 

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