Thursday 24 November 2022

Another Thursday - began well but turned wet later!

I don’t know about ‘season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’. I think we’re into the season of soups and mellow cheese ‘n’ stuff. Okay, so John Keats was talking about early autumn and now we’re practically into winter, although I’m never quite sure when one season is supposed to end and the next begin. 

But there’s something very comforting about a nice bowl of soup on a cold evening. Yes, I know it’s almost certainly going to get colder before it gets warmer again but there it is. I could probably live on soup and good bread through the winter months, with the addition of nice apples. So I’m checking out my recipes and stocking up the freezer. This is just as well as my daughter has invited herself to tea two Thursdays on the run. 

On a Thursday, for probably more than a year now, our smallest grandson has spent Thursday morning at our house, being collected just after lunchtime. As time has gone by the collection time has grown later and later. Originally our daughter arrived in time for a leisurely coffee and a snack before setting off the collect her youngest daughter from school. Then we got to the point where she flew in, collected the small boy and zoomed off again. Either she or her partner comes back later and gives Phil a lift to chess club. Last week in he torrential rain she asked if I objected to her going to collect her daughter first and then coming to pick up the little fellow. They stayed for a very makeshift tea. Last might she called to ask did I mind doing the same this week. So I made sure there was a better supply of soup and plenty of eggs for the small girl who appreciates scrambled eggs. So there we are: soup, salad stuff, cheese and some nice apples for dessert! And at least half an hour’s mayhem as two small people chase each other around. Then they put their pyjamas on (just the small people) and head for home, dropping Grandad at chess club en route. 

Today began fine and reasonably sunny, but rather cold. Rain was forecast for later so mid-morning, after the ritual snack of honey-toast, I took the little chap out for a walk. We had to go to the ‘sandy park’ to poke around with sticks in the large but rather damp sandpit. Eventually, as the sky grew more and more threatening, I persuaded him back into his buggy so that we could head for home. Just in time! We made it home just before the rain started. 

And that’s my Thursday over and done with. Anything at all could be going on in the outside world.

Life goes on. Stay safe and well, everyone! 

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