Wednesday 8 May 2019

Royal babies, titles and deciding what to do.

Well, Meghan Markle has had her baby. And they had the audacity not to tell the media until it was all over! And they haven’t even told us where the child was born! There’s so much fuss being made about this sort of thing that I am surprised people haven’t demanded a blow by blow account of the labour and delivery! It’s all a bit medieval, almost demanding witnesses to be there to guarantee that there was no baby switch because there was something wrong with the royal child.

I suppose that if your job description is basically “provide bread and circuses to distract from Brexit and other such shenanigans” then maybe you really should step up and tell the people what they want to know. Or what they don’t give a monkey’s about in the case of a lot of people I know.

My phone, by the way, just sent me a little “plink”, informing me that I can watch Harry and Meghan show off their baby on Sky News. This is the modern age and your phone tries to tell you what to do!

My daughter tells me she quite likes Harry. Does she know him well, I wonder. He seems quite “genuine”, she says, whatever that means. To this I respond that it must be difficult to get on with your life when effectively you have no proper role, other than being the brother of the second in line for the throne. However, I also point out that it must also be difficult to get on with your life when you have no proper role because there isn’t a job for you and you don’t have a rich family, and often a decent state-provided income, to fall back on.

William and Kate have become Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Harry and Meghan have become Duke and Duchess of Sussex. As the children, particularly the sons, of these dukes and duchesses grow up and marry will they also be create Duke of somewhere or other? Will we run out of bits of England to make into duchies? It’s almost a full time job keeping up with the titles.

And we should perhaps feel sorry for royal correspondents who have to stand outside the palace or the hospital where a child is possibly being born and say a lot of stuff without really knowing anything at all about what is going on.

In the fictional world of Game of Thrones, they still have to decide who is their king or queen. According to this article we should also be getting a little agitated because “there is barely a brown person left alive in the long-running fantasy series”. Oops!

We have to remember that it is just that: a fantasy show. And yes it could have been a bit more egalitarian but, at the risk,of coming in for criticism, the important thing was to have a good storyline.

And the other long-running fantasy show that is Brexit also seems to be losing the thread of its plot. Maybe we need another royal baby!

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