Monday, 2 October 2017

The nostalgic view of things.

We are currently being battered by the tail-end of hurricane Maria. At least, that is what the weathermen are saying as a way of explaining today's wind and the rain. They don't usually bother to give us an explanation in that way. Weather just happens and no amount of explaining can really change it.

On the radio news earlier today I heard a statement to the effect that the Chancellor of the Exchequer has admitted that uncertainty about Brexit has been having an adverse effect on investment in British business. Well, there's a surprise! As if that were not a predictable outcome.

The airline with which we have just recently booked flights to go to Portugal at the end of the month has just gone into total financial collapse. The government is having to arrange for Britons stranded in holiday destinations abroad to be flown home some other way. Maybe they could have stepped in just a little sooner and kept those Monarch planes flying to get people home at least. And now we have to rethink our travel plans.

More seriously, in Las Vegas at least 50 people have died and about 200 more have been injured in a shooting spree. Well, you might say, shootings happen all the time in the United States; it's almost a part of their culture. But mass shootings are a different matter. None of these shooting, single or multiple, should be happening.

And then there is Spain, tearing itself apart. 90% of those who voted in Catalonia voted for independence. However, only 43% of those eligible to vote did vote. Does 90% of 43% constitute a majority? And how many of those who voted for independence did so because they were so annoyed at Rajoy's central Spanish government saying they had no right to vote? There has been some serious mismanagement going on. I could weep for poor Spain at the moment.

These are just a few of the things that are happening. The world is clearly going to hell in a handcart!

It's a good job there is still Facebook sending me nostalgic photos from couple of years ago, assuring me that I am not suffering from false memory syndrome reminding that there really used to be a time when the sun shone and it was sometimes warm enough to sit outside and have picnics in October.

Back in the land before Brexit!

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