Monday, 3 February 2025

Signs of spring? Viral trends.

Earlier this morning, out running, I met one of the regular dog-walkers. She commented on how nice the day was - mostly blue sky, some sunshine, no wind to speak of and, perhaps most importantly, NO RAIN! “It’s almost spring-like’” she said.

I don’t think I’d go that far but it IS a fine day and I DO have snowdrops in the garden.

And as usual at this time of year my cyclamen is blooming nicely on the kitchen windowledge.

Shortly before Christmas, belatedly seeking a Christmas tree os the right size and shape for the corner of my living room, I was persuaded to buy a tiny pot with the label “Grow Your Own Christmas Tree”. It was only £2.50 and I thought it might interest the small scientist who is our youngest grandson. Helped by their older brother, the two small ones sorted out the pot, watered the compost and planted the seed. And now the result is this:

It doesn’t look much like a Christmas tree, more like a miniature plantation of some kind. They will almost certainly need re-potting as they grow. The small people are very pleased with the result though. We shall watch with interest.

Skimming the newspapers online, trying to avoid bad-news articles, I came across a headline about the importance of silent walking. Well, I have often commented on the fact that so many people seem unable to go for a walk without listening to a podcast or to the music playlist on their phone. I don’t have a playlist on my phone, by the way. Ah, I thought to myself, “silent walking” must be taking over from “forest bathing”.

Here’s a reminder:

“What is forest bathing?

This Japanese practice is a process of relaxation; known in Japan as shinrin yoku. The simple method of being calm and quiet amongst the trees, observing nature around you whilst breathing deeply can help both adults and children de-stress and boost health and wellbeing in a natural way.

Tips for beginners

  • Turn off your devices to give yourself the best chance of relaxing, being mindful and enjoying a sensory forest-based experience.
  • Slow down. Move through the forest slowly so you can see and feel more.
  • Take long breaths deep into the abdomen. Extending the exhalation of air to twice the length of the inhalation sends a message to the body that it can relax.
  • Stop, stand or sit, smell what’s around you, what can you smell?”

Silent walking might just now be getting publicity but it seems to have been around for a while, judging by this extract from an article back in 2023:

“Silent walking began trending earlier this summer after TikTok creator Mady Maio posted about advice she received from her nutritionist to walk for 30 minutes a day “instead of doing insane cardio like I used to.” That suggestion was followed by another from her boyfriend, who challenged her not to listen to a podcast, music, or anything else while she did so. What followed was a horde of people posting across social media about their own experiences of walking daily sans distractions.”

Here are some ‘useful hints’ from that article: 

“To get started, the experts recommend keeping things simple: 

  • Walk in a nearby quiet area, “hopefully somewhere in nature or outdoors,” says Guerra. It’s also best to pick a time when you know there will be minimal people or activity around that area to distract you.
  • Take care of basic bodily needs, such as thirst and hunger, beforehand, “so they don’t become a distraction,” offers Guerra*.
  • Make sure it’s just you and your thoughts. “No phone, no walking buddy, no dog,” says Guerra.
  • Focus on your feelings, breathing and the surrounding beauty. “Be mindful of each breath and each step, listen to the sounds of nature around you, feel gratitude for the sun kissing your skin, and use the time for reflection,” advises Delia*.”

Of course, as with all things viral, there are ‘experts’ quoted in there. In this case: 

*Guerra - Juanita Guerra, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist in New Rochelle, New York

*Delia - Lalah Delia, author of the mindfulness book “Vibrate Higher Daily”. 

Here’s a link to the article in today’s Guardian that set me off on this topic. It’s amazing how common-sense activities can become trends.

Life goes on. Stay safe and well, everyone! 

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