Friday 9 August 2024

Street art. Theft. Odd sports.

Banksy has been busy painting pictures of animals.

The third one, on a satellite dish, was stolen almost immediately.

And then there’s this one!

Which brings me to Paris where, amidst all the chaos of the world right now, the Olympic Games continue.  Not exactly peacefully though, with accusations of gender problems and one female boxer claiming her opponent was able to hit her too hard and was too strong because of gender issues. But the complainant spoilt her case somewhat by bursting into tears, something she has done on other occasions, so I heard. If someone can hit harder than you, is that an unfair advantage? If one basketball player is taller than another, is that an unfair advantage?  

If we’re not careful we’ll be like a science fiction story I once read where talented people had to handicapped in some way, to make everyone equal!

But the games go on. And medals have been awarded foe skate-boarding. I know it’s not new but is it really a sport and not just a hobby for energetic teenagers. Except that one of our skateboarders is over 50! Footballers and tennis players retire in their thirties but skateboarders go on for ever! Apparently!

Break-dancing is also a sport, or so I have been told. I want to know if parcours will become the next new olympic sport!

That’s all.

Life goes on. Stay safe and well, everyone.

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