Saturday 25 May 2024

A fine day after yesterday’s wetness. General election stuff. Some statistics. And the ICJ ruling.

 I sometimes wonder if the weather organisers have a sense of irony. Yesterday was dull and damp and drizzly for our local festivities. Today has so far been bright and fine and sunny, not exactly what you might call summery but a considerable improvement on yesterday. 

Someone did a very good job of cleaning up the village after yesterday’s festivities. I ran through the village at around 9.00am. Apart from the odd sign reminding people to KEEP DELPH TIDY there was no evidence of anything unusual having gone on at all. 

Posters are already going up for the next major local event, Party in the Park, number 17 I think, at the Cricket and Bowling club, towards the end of September. It’s a long way off but it takes some organising and I expect some people will be booking their tickets already. I swear I saw the name Tom Jones on the list of performing acts. Is it the actual Tom Jones? Or just a lookalike / soundalike? I wonder.

Long before that comes around we have an election going on. I see that in Holborn and St. Pancras, Keir Stormer’s constituency, anti-Zionist Andrew Feinstein, 22 years resident there, is standing against him. 

And in Islington North, where he has been MP for about 40 years, former Leader of the British Labour Party, is standing as an Independent, against a Labour Party person imposed on the area. It will be interesting, to boy the least, to see how campaigning goes for these areas and, indeed, what the results of voting day will be.

Here are some interesting facts and figures sent to me by a friend!: 

Why are things expensive?

  • 4 companies control 55% to 85% of the meat market.
  • 4 airlines control 80% of air travel.
  • 3 companies control 92% of the soda market.
  • 3 companies control 73% of the cereal market.

Why don’t we hear about it?


  • 6 companies control 90% of the news.

Just a little depressing! 

The International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel must stop its attack on Rafah and stop killing innocent by-standers. It remains to be seen whether Israel will take any notice. 

Meanwhile, here’s a bit of Michael Rosen:

“'Tutor,' said the King to his tutor, 'I know you think that what we're doing is absolutely the right thing, but do you think we could have done anything else instead?'

'Absolutely not,' said the tutor, 'what we're doing is the only thing we could be doing. There is no alternative.'

'I understand,' said the King, 'but can I ask whether we have evidence that what we're doing works?'

'Why are you asking that?' said the tutor. 'Asking questions like that undermines what we're doing.'

'But shouldn't we have some general kind of idea that what we're doing works?' said the King, 'Otherwise, we might be making a mistake.'

'Not only is there no alternative,' said the tutor, 'but we're doing this in the best possible way. I've looked at examples from other situations like ours and we're behaving in the world's best ever way. No one has been as good at doing this as we are.'

'That's very powerful,' said the King.'It makes me proud to think that we're doing things so well. So why do people say that what we're doing is wrong?'

'I've explained that to you before,' said the tutor, 'it's because they hate us.'

'Oh yes, I remember,' said the King, 'so it's full steam ahead. On we go, eh? '

'That's it,' said the tutor.”

And another:

“'What do we do when people say that we are bad?' said the King.

'We say that we're not as bad as that,' said the King's tutor.

'As bad as what?' said the King.

'As bad as they say we are,' said the tutor.

'Does that work?' said the King.

'Amazingly, it does,' said the tutor.

'How come?' said the King.

'People get so racked up about how bad we are, than when we say, "not as bad as that", people say, "Fair enough," said the tutor.

'I had no idea it was simple as that,' said the King.

'Well, there is a bit more to it,' said the tutor, 'we have to do some spluttering.'

'What's that?' said the King.

'We have to splutter that we are outraged with the people who've said we're bad,' said the tutor.

'How does that work?' said the King.

'It makes us sound virtuous,' said the tutor.

'Even though we might be bad?' said the King.

'Could you keep your voice down,' said the tutor, 'we never admit that we could be bad. The most we ever say is that 'we're not as bad as that', remember?' 

'Understood' said the King.””

And yet another: 

“'You must make an announcement that you are very sad that other people haven't supported us in our time of need,' said the King's tutor.

'But they have,' said the King.

'I don't think you've figured this right,' said the tutor, 'the point is we feel very isolated,' 

'But we're not,' said the King. 

'What you're saying is very unhelpful,' said the tutor.

'But everyone can see that there are some very important people helping us,' said the King, 'I can't just go out and there and say, "No one is  helping us",'

'What you say is that we feel betrayed and alone,' said the tutor.

'Do we?' said the King.

'That's beside the point,' said the tutor.

'Is it?' said the King.

'Now go out there and make that announcement,' asid the tutor.

'OK,' said the King.”

Life goes on. Stay safe and well, everyone!

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