Saturday 17 December 2022

Weather fronts! Snow! Coordination matters!

Last night the weathermen described a “warm front” (how warm could it be in December?) on its way in and hitting the “cold front” (which certainly has been cold!) and the resulting in precipitation falling as snow. So I was not at all surprised to wake up to snow this morning. It didn’t feel significantly warmer though. But I looked at the snow still falling, I looked at the slippery-seeming pavements and decided that running was not on today. So I got back into bed for a while and then went to shower and wash my hair. Later I’ll walk into the village to buy a few essentials.

I am rather pleased that Number Two Granddaughter and I did our shopping trip yesterday rather than today. Manchester in the slushy damp would not be so appealing.

My daughter has sent me a photo of her small son wearing a red nose , presumably left over from Red Nose Day. Yesterday he told me that this was Rudolf’s nose but that Rudolf does not need it at the moment as it is not yet Christmas and so he does not yet need to light the way for the sleigh. I love the logic. 

Granddaughter Number One does just about all her shopping online and regularly moans about supermarket substitutions. The latest is her order for a slinky (one of those coiled metal affairs that tumble down the stairs) intended as a stocking filler for her housemate, which had been replaced by 16 mini-slinkies!! Weight for weight, I suppose. I suggested she should give everyone in the family a mini-slinky in their stocking but I think she now plans to wrap all sixteen individually for her housemate as a joke. I hope it is appreciated.

I like to be co-ordinated. I no longer insist on a handbag to match each pair of shoes I own but I do like to look as though I have selected items to match each other to some extent. So yesterday it was a green beret, green gloves and, by complete chance, a shoulder bag of the exactly the right shade. And now I read that lots of members of the royal family went to a Christmas carol service at Westminster Abbey in matching shades of burgundy clothing. 

Journalist Hannah Jane Parkinson interpretes this as a deliberate snub to Maghan Markle who apparently said in her and Harry’s Netflix nonsense, “You can’t ever wear the same colour as Her Majesty, if there’s a group event. But then you also should never be wearing the same colour as one of the other more senior members of the family.” I wonder how the journalist knows such things. 

Maybe all those royal people have a kind of family telepathy. When we go on family outing, we quite often find we have coordinated our clothings by mere serendipity. And we don’t have rules about such things. But we do seem to have the telepathy.m

That’s enough nonsense for today.

Life goes on. Stay safe and well, everyone! 

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