Monday 5 December 2022


 Bits of nonsense. Someone told me the other day that T-shirt is short for tyrannosaurus shirt …. because of the short arms!! No doubt someone is going to tell me it’s really because a T-shirt is shaped like a capital letter T but, really, who would believe nonsense like that?

Last might we had a bit of “conversation” on the family group chat on Messenger. It went like this: 

Granddaughter Number Two: Son of a bitch, I feel sick.

Daughter (mother of the granddaughters): Sick sick or sick poorly like a cold?

Granddaughter Number Two: Sick poorly like my throat hurts and been steadily getting worse all day. 

Granddaughter Number One: Orange juice and chicken sooo

Granddaughter Number Two: Chicken soooo?

Granddaughter Number One: Sword


Granddaughter Number Two: Chicken sword?

Granddaughter Number One: Wet food that’s mostly liquid with floaty chicken

Granddaughter Number Two: Lovely description!

Me: Wonderful, but a bit long to put on a label to go in the freezer.

Granddaughter Number One:Liquid chicken. 

This sort of thing happens when you type really fast with your thumbs on your phone and don’t check before you send. Autocorrect comes into the mix as well. At least it made the one with the sore throat smile. Or at any rate her emojis suggested she was smiling.

Apparently “Goblin mode” has been chosen by the public as the 2022 Oxford word of the year. Who even knew there was an Oxford word of the year? The term, which refers to “a type of behaviour which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations”, is the first word of the year to have been decided by public vote. I wonder how you get to vote on words. 

The president of Oxford Languages, Casper Grathwohl, said that while he and his colleagues were “hoping the public would enjoy being brought into the process”, the level of engagement had caught them “totally by surprise”.

“Given the year we’ve just experienced, ‘goblin mode’ resonates with all of us who are feeling a little overwhelmed at this point”, he added. “It’s a relief to acknowledge that we’re not always the idealised, curated selves that we’re encouraged to present on our Instagram and TikTok feeds. This has been demonstrated by the dramatic rise of platforms like BeReal where users share images of their unedited selves, often capturing self-indulgent moments in goblin mode.”

Of course, in my humble opinion, you could just ignore the encouragement to present the perfect image of yourself and stop using Instagram and TikTok. Or is that too simple. 

Anyway here’s a link to the full article about it. 

I keep receiving adverts for Prince Harry’s book, “Spare”, (supposedly an autobiography but can you call a ghost-written book an autobiography) and information about a Netflix series about him and Mrs Prince Harry. It’s a bit annoying but then I get adverts for all,sorts of stuff I’m not interested in. What I don’t understand is why, if they really want a quiet life, they keep doing things to keep themselves in the public eye. Why not just go about their charitable business and live happily on their considerable wealth? That’s what I would do. It’s rather like not going on Instagram and TokTok. 

Life goes on. Stay safe and well, everyone! 

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