Monday 16 October 2023

Weekend weather oddities. Weekend activities.

On Saturday we woke up to blue sky and sunshine … and frost! Frost on the roof of the garden shed, frost on the car the neighbours had parked illegally on the double yellow lines outside the house, frost on the grass of the cricket ground! But at least we had blue sky and sunshine. 

Granddaughter Number One and I were booked onto an embroidery workshop at the library in the centre of town mid-morning. As it was such a fine day and, more importantly, as it was not forecast to rain until about 6.00 in the evening, Granddaughter Number One sallied forth in a big jumper, with an umbrella in her bag but without a raincoat. Slightly more pessimistic, I wore a light raincoat. 

The workshop was quite interesting, based on the idea of keeping a sort of stitched journal of the year, embroidering images of things that reminded you of significant events. Afterwards we had a look at the gift shop - like museums the town centre library has a gift shop! - and purchased a few items for Christmas presents. Forward planning!! We also took a look round the art gallery, where there was supposed to be a display of butterflies and moths mounted in cases. We didn’t find it. There was a gallery in the process of being refurbished so maybe that was it and we were too late. We did see some Lowry paintings, and some work local artists, and some rather fine banners.

Then we emerged into the sunshine but noticed that although there was blue sky to the east, there were dark clouds to the west. “Looks like rain”, said Granddaughter Number One. As if the clouds had heard her muttered complaint, the first drops immediately started to fall. Not what the weathermen had promised. We made it to the bus stop without getting too wet and went on our way. 

We decided to break our journey in Uppermill so that Granddaughter Number One could buy some yarn for another knitting project as well as to visit the bakery. The sun was shining again by now but by the time we left the yarn shop the rain was moving back in. By the time we reached the bakery hailstones were falling - HAILSTONES!! Good grief! 

On the off chance that she might be somewhere close by, we phoned her mother, my daughter. Lo and behold, she, her partner and the small people were sheltering under a tree in the nature garden about a mile down the road. We arranged to meet her in the square in Uppermill as soon as she felt they walk to nature garden carpark without getting any wetter than they already were. So we waited in a bus shelter with a gentleman on a bike. He had cycled from Glossop, like us optimistically setting off in sunshine, only to find himself pursued by rain and now hailstones at various points along the route. Once the hailstorm eased he decided to risk it and crossed the road to begin his ride home, this time with a lot of up-hill riding. 

Daughter and family turned up, we got wetly into the car and everyone went to our house for coffee and biscuits. 

Yesterday we went to visit Granddaughter Number Two in York, taking a construct-it-yourself bookcase to go in her student accommodation. Quite how someone “equips” a student room without anywhere to store books apart from the floor escapes me but there it is. The sun shone all day. 

Today is also crisp and bright. Input a load of washing in the machine before going for a run. By the tome I returned it was ready to hang outside to dry, possibly to freeze! We shall see!

Life goes on. Stay safe and well, everyone!

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